Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Working in Retail

You may have noticed, I've been a little quiet in the world of blogging lately!! (I promise I will improve!) but as many of you might not realise, I work in retail full time.

I work for an amazing luxury women's clothing brand and I love my job! I was promoted to 'Supervisor' earlier this year, and since then my work life has been a little hectic (I wouldn't have it any other way!). 

Working in retail has taught me so much about fashion, trends, style, and people and because I am a make-up artist I don't just sell people clothes, I sell them an entire look. I sell them my vision. 

If one thing is for sure, what we wear can definitely determine our mood or how we feel for the day-trust me I am the queen of bitch fit tantrums because 'I HAVE NO CLOTHES' (my boyfriend will second this), so I wanted to give you a little insight into a normal day in retail for me.

The approach
We all know it, the sales assistant gives you about 30 seconds (or just pounces immediately!) to look around the store, and then asks if he/she can 'help' you with anything. 9/10 times the answer to this question is no. (Or in some cases a not-so subtle 'Please go away' stare lol!). But then there is that 1 'yes' that makes my job worth while. 

'I'm looking for.....'
A dress, a coat....a feckin' miracle. We've all been there, panicked and in need of something to wear to a wedding or for an occasion, and feeling like what we want just isn't made yet and slowly accepting the idea of staying at home in our pyjamas and watching 'Friends' This is where I come in. 

The 'idea'
No matter what we say we always have an idea of what we would like to look like. For most of my clients, this takes a lot (!!) of questions about colours, styles, dress lengths etc, and a lot (!!) of trying on, before we hit the nail on the head that you actually wanted a little black dress with sleeves. I try to get to the bottom of what the outfit is for, the time of year it is for and what makes them feel most comfortable. Yes, trends are cool and hot pink might be 'so now', but these don't always suit everyone so I try to steer my clients towards pieces that will flatter them and that will still look stylish in three months time. Remember it is never a bargain if it is not right!!

The dress 
When we eventually find the piece that we love we just know. And from a sales advisor's point of view, this is the piece that your client is smiling in. I love the moment when they are looking so intently at themselves in the mirror because they genuinely love something you have suggested. This right here is the reason I do what I do. 

Decision time
I don't believe in impulse buying. It doesn't work, and you will more than likely get buyer's remorse and have to live off cereal for a month because of the outrageous purchase you 'loved' in the store but can't tell anybody how much you detest it now, as it hangs in your wardrobe judging you. I always tell clients to go and have a coffee and a think about it, because when they see the piece with fresh eyes, they will know for sure. Of course this sometimes means they will come back with a sister or a friend who will veto it, then buy it for themselves two hours later- but hey, that's life! But seriously, this is always the way to purchase timeless pieces. 

Closing the sale
When the decision is made, and I am wrapping the garment up I always like to suggest ways to finish off the look. Maybe it's the perfectionist in me, but knowing what make-up and hair to pair with the dress is just as important as wearing it. There has been so many times that I have suggested a certain shoe or some foundation-wear to a client to wear with an outfit, and ended up bringing them to the store myself to help them shop for it. It comes parcelled with the job really, but I love to know they value my opinion and it gives great satisfaction when they come back with photos and stories of how the outfit turned out for their special occasion. 

And again...
Of course it would be great if a normal working day consisted of helping just one client on their merry way to finding the perfect outfit, but that's not how retail works. As soon as that client leaves, it's back to the drawing board for the next 100 people who walk through the door.........

Coffee break anybody??? 

Leanne X